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Ofori Amponsah

Gospel music easier than secular; Ofori Amponsah’s claims debunked

The lines between gospel and secular music have been blurred over the years with a number of secular artistes venturing into the gospel scene.


A notable name is Daddy Lumba (DL), who has released at least one gospel album and recently joined forces with Isaiah Ampong to release another gospel album.

Some secular artistes also make sure to include at least one gospel track on their albums and musicians like Kojo Antwi, Sarkodie and Kwabena Kwabena (who has also written songs for gospel artistes such as Ohemaa Mercy), easily come to mind. Hiphop artiste, EL has recently added to the list with his hit track Koko.

There are also the collaborations between gospel and secular musicians like Gifty Osei and Dadie Opanka, Herty Borngreat with Sarkodie and Trigmatic, Lady Prempeh with Asem and Richie while some secular artistes like Lord Kenya who have also become born again have also taken up gospel music and all these have succeeded in bringing both worlds much closer together.

However, recent comments by highlife artiste Ofori Amponsah, who tried his hands at gospel music after he revealed he was born again and even had a church, that creating secular music was way easier than gospel music, has stirred up some debate.

Ofori Amponsah, who has returned to the highlife circuit with his single Alewa, said in terms of making music, highlife, came easier to him than gospel music.

Some of the most popular names in secular music however disagree. Highlife musician, Bisa Kdei, in an interview with Showbiz, said it was a false assertion to say writing a secular song was easier than writing a gospel song.

According to the Mansa hitmaker, “Everything about a gospel song is readily available, found and taken from the Bible. The words are all found in the Bible.

“However, for the secular song, the artiste has to sit and carve out everything from scratch. The words are non-existent, and the artiste has to put them together out of nothing to suit the exact message he wants to put out there and also sell himself.

“Anyone who says writing a secular song comes easier than a gospel song does not know what he or she is talking about.”

Highlife artiste, Kwabena Kwabena, who has a hit gospel song, Bue Kwan, also seems to agree with Bisa Kdei. The Tuamuda singer told Showbiz “We cannot compare, though music is music. However, these are two different genres. One is inspired by God to glorify Him, those are spiritual songs. And because it praises God, he inspires people to write it, and he gives it to anyone freely.

“Then, there are the ones crafted by the artiste on his own. There are also some secular songs which are inspirational, also given by God to touch others; those are neither gospel nor the ones you could call useless.”

“Perhaps, the part that you have to wait on God for the inspiration to write a gospel song is the reason why someone will say it is difficult to write gospel songs,’’ he added.

Veteran highlife musician, Bessa Simons, who has worked with gospel musicians, including the Tagoe Sisters, said writing gospel music is the easiest.

According to the first vice president of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), almost all musicians worldwide have a background from church where most started out as either choristers or song leaders. However, it is most of those who continue with singing in church who become the gospel musicians.

“Gospel music is easier as the musicians get their songs from being in church where the Bible is preached all the time. They become familiar with the words they hear and it is easier for them to write their songs.

“The secular artiste on the other hand, finds him or herself in a new world altogether and has to find his own words,’’ added.

This debate is one that is certain to go on for a while as there will definitely be those who will disagree, especially the gospel musicians.

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