Golden Tulip hosts Mirror Ball again
It has become a main forum for music from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and the Mirror Ball bash returns to the Golden Tulip Hotel in Accra this Friday, July 26 after a few months ‘stopover’ at the La Palm Beach Hotel.
A short ceremony was held at Golden Tulip last Friday to welcome the event back to its original home. Francis Deyegbe, Deputy General Manager of Golden Tulip said the whole management team of the hotel was fully behind it .
“We want Mirror Ball to be the best entertainment for a certain category of people so they would not go anywhere else but stay with us. Mirror Ball is going to be here forever,” Deyegbe said.
Golden Tulip’s Sales & Marketing Manager, Bertha De Graft-Johnson unveiled a big mirror ball suspended high above Liberation Avenue in front of the hotel.
“We started right here in our Branche Lounge in September 2011 and our patrons can expect very high standards from us again each last Friday of the month,” she stated.
The theme for this Friday’s event is “Homecoming” and the dress code is “All white”. Guests who arrive before midnight will receive a free mixed CD of old school classics compiled by William ‘DJ Blow’ Nanka Bruce.