I’m not like Kim K, she has no talent
Jimena Sanchez, who has garnered a following of more than a million Twitter and Instagram admirers for her raunchy posts on social media, said: “Kim doesn't seem to do anything. My ideals are completely different from Kim Kardashian's”.
The presenter on the Spanish-language FOX Sports channel told MailOnline in Mexico City: “It’s surprising that Kim and her sisters have become so famous given that none of them have any special talents.”
“They don't seem to do anything, certainly nothing you could call talent. I dedicate my life to other things, I don't think we're anything alike”.
Jimena, who describes herself as the ‘sexy girl’ of Mexican television, says she is passionate about sport and that being a professional journalist is what makes her different from the style-icon she is compared to.
“I love my job and I’m good at it,’ she said. ‘Physically we may be alike, but we aren't similar professionally.'
'I don’t think I look anything like her, but we both use social media to publish sexy photos,' she added. That has made me the Mexican Kim Kardashian more than anything else.
“We are both popular because of our looks, and we're both very active on social media, so it's difficult not to draw comparisons, I just didn't think it was going to become such a big deal”.
When asked whether she is after the social media queen's crown, Jimena replied: “It would be nice.'
But Jimena still has some way to go, with just under a million Twitter followers compared to Kim's thirty million.
“It's much more difficult to get followers in Mexico,’ she complained. “People here aren’t as switched on technologically as they are in the US.”
“It would be amazing to have 30 million followers like Kim does', she told MailOnline. “But it's not a pressing objective of mine.'
Jimena said she has doubts about whether Kim is a good role model for young girls.
“It depends on what aspect you look at her,” she said. “She became famous because she made a porn video like Paris Hilton, whereas I try to dedicate my life to other things.”
On the future, she said: “I'm the sexy girl on a sports channel. I will be in this job as long as my body can hold out, which probably won't be long because I hate exercising and love to eat.
“I’d love to end up in Los Angeles, that's a city I really love. But for the moment, I'm concentrating on the television. I'm very happy in my job.
“As for being like Kim, she looks happy in her reality television shows, but I'm not sure I'd want to live like her.
“We’re two people who owe everything to our looks, but there’s not many other similarities”
Source: MailOnline