2019 and what it holds
Prophecies about the end for certain individuals in Ghana in 2019, and also about the year probably being the end (apocalypse) for us all, rage on in January.
With the local prophecies, thanks to social media and the fact that 'publicity seeking' prophets invited the media to publicise their predictions, no research is needed in getting to know the flavour of what is to be expected locally in the course of the year.
A cursory Internet search shows that globally all have in mind what is expected to happen in the coming days and months of the year. Thus, information about the year and its significance abounds.
Interesting are the scriptural views about the significance of the year. Intriguing, particularly, are numerologists views about the spiritual significance of 2019.
While some predict the end of time this year, others think the year will be a time for spiritual awakening.
But for Christians, whose faith is based on Judaism, the year coincides with the Jewish Year 5779.
The Jewish calender overlaps with ours, the Gregorian calender. The Jewish New Year begins in September; they therefore celebrated the New Year three clear months before most people.
Those versed in the study of numbers believe 2019 to be one that will be full of grace. They say the number five means grace and the number seven means God’s completion and perfection.
But the mystrey is the number nine in 2019, which has a double meaning biblically. The experts say that the number nine has a double meaning.
'Tet' is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet that corresponds to nine. The Hebrew alphabet 'tet' illustrated, looks like a basket, a womb and even a coiled snake.
The basket and womb, according to numerologists, stands for multiplication and fruitfulness.
However, the resemblance of the alphabet to a snake indicates at the same time the devil's readiness to thwart fruitfulness or multiplication.
These are interesting pieces of information, but not totally new to Bible readers; but what does one do with it?
For Christians and all others, it signifies hope and is food for thought, as we traverse the year.
Personally, 2019's significance will be in the well-learnt lessons of 2018.
It would be in the mastery of the pitfalls of the previous year and gaining a better grip over successes and gains.
It would be taking the opportunities of a fresh start to all things, instituted by God in His own wisdom, to do things better and right.
It would be to find that balance between work and play in the coming year, to play as hard as one works, to rest, to reflect, to imbibe the awesomeness of God in nature by engaging in domestic tourism.
Twenty-nineteen would mean listening more to the rythyms of nature, of people around me and even, to myself.
It is a year pregnant with opportunities, successes and failures.
It is a year presenting more learning opportunities from failures and goodwill toward one another in successes.
Writer's email: caroline.boateng@graphic.com.gh