Who takes over from you as the CEO?
All over the world, organisations that stand the test of time, maintain or continue to raise their brand image and keep on delighting their customers are the ones with credible succession plans in place, where the absence of an executive does not break the service delivery.
Those that do not, die out with the exit of their top executives.
With this in mind, the Springboard, Your Virtual University, dedicated the last edition of its series on Entrepreneurship and Business Growth to educating audience of the show, comprising leaders, corporate executives and potential entrepreneurs, on succession planning.
The two resource persons, Prof. Bob Hinson of the University of Ghana Business School, and Mr Kofi Dadzie of Rancard Solutions, concurred that succession planning was a systematic way of ensuring that employees were competent enough and developed to play roles that would come up in future.
"Some roles will come up at certain points and companies must