Surfline unveils unlimited Internet package
An Internet service provider, Surfline Communications Limited, has unveiled new data packages for its subscribers.
Dubbed “AlwaysOn Bundle,” the product is to enable new and existing customers subscribe to an unlimited internet package and stay connected all month long without worrying about data exhaustion.
Launching the new package on Tuesday, in Accra, the Head of Commercial Business of the company, Mr David Afugani, said the introduction of the new data plan was an insight-based feedback from subscribers.
“Our subscribers mostly want to stay online to either stream videos, connect with business partners, play games or conduct research without interuption and concern about their with the data running out.
"The Surfline AlwaysOn data plan is ideal for all those who desire to stay connected all month long on Ghana’s true 4G LTE network without worrying about data exhaustion. With this, there are no data caps; data never stops; it’s always on, he added.
"There are three packages under the AlwaysOn bundle – the AlwaysOn Standard, AlwaysOn Super and the AlwaysOn Ultra."
Tax holiday
In a later interview after the event, Mr Afugani appealed for a special tax holiday to free funds to further improve its technological infrastructure and support government's agenda of increasing internet connectivity in the country.
"Surfline as an indigenous telecommunication company needs support in the form of tax holidays to grow and compete with the multinational companies in the technological space," he said.
Great sources of revenue
Mr Afugani observed that tax holidays were great sources of revenue that enticed companies to invest and have the freedom to expand.
He explained that with tax holidays, companies had the room to reinvest what they would have paid as taxes to government in order to grow, expand and later pay higher taxes to the government, offer greater opportunities and help grow the economy.