The contestants during the contest
The contestants during the contest

KNUST beats Pentecost University to secure slot in Semi finals of Graphic Business TBSC

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) on Tuesday beat Pentecost University in the 2023 edition (5.0) of the Tertiary Business Sense Challenge (TBSC) to qualify to the next stage of the competition.


The contest, organised by the Graphic Communications Group Limited seeks to keep students abreast of developments within the business sector, and the economy as a whole, to enable students to make informed decisions in the sector.

KNUST secured 74 points in the quarter finals as against the 31.33 points by Pentecost University.

The TBSC version 5.0 is being sponsored by MTN Ghana, CompuGhana, Accra Brewery Limited, PwC, Goil Ghana, Cal Bank, McVities and Glico Life, among others.

The event, with technical support from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIMA), Graphic Business, Graphic Online, TV3, Asaase Radio and KTU Radio, was on the theme: "Preparation Ahead of Opportunity; Business as a way of Life".

The programme, which has become one of the most relevant and accepted competitions among tertiary business schools in the country, is meant to engender healthy competition among the various tertiary business schools across the country.

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