Increasing your value in an organisation
One of the best ways for an individual to work his or her way up the business ladder is to increase his or her value as an employee within the organisation.
Ones income is a reflection of his or her value at the work place. It is for this reason that Springboard, Your Virtual University, a radio programme on Joy FM, used this week’s edition to playback a message by Rev. Albert Ocran on how individuals can increase their value and earning power.
Rev. Ocran pointed out that increasing ones value in an organisation would by extension increase a person’s value in the economic space.
“Your earnings are not a function of your certificate, your desire, your connections, or your longevity. The real key to increasing your earnings in a sustainable way is the value you bring to the organisation,” he stated.
He, therefore, shared with listeners what he described as the ten simple ways to increase ones value in an organisation
1. Alignment: Rev. Ocran urged employees who wished to increase their value to align their vision to that of their employers.
“In a corporate organisation, the owners or founders have a certain direction and each of us is supposed to align ourselves to the direction of the company. There will be problems if the leader wants to drive the company in one direction and you the staff is driving in a different direction,” he noted.
“This will definitely lead to unproductiveness and you cannot get to where you want to because there is no synchronicity or alignment. In the hands of someone who is not aligned to the vision of the organisation, the organisation could veer off course and create chaos,” he added.
2. Self-discipline and energy: The motivational speaker pointed out that very rich and successful individuals had one attribute in common which was self-discipline, “which is defined as doing what you have to do when you have to do it.”
“You will find out that for several of the things that matter in your life, you don’t need a supervisor to follow you to do them and those who rise in an organisation are those who have the will power to start, to continue and to finish tasks without anybody chasing them,” he said.
“And it’s not just about doing the things you have to do, but doing them with energy and enthusiasm,” he added.
3. Bottom line: Whatever you do must add to the numbers and there are two factors in this equation, either you increase revenue or you manage cost.
“Every action of yours within the business must be seen to be increasing revenue or being cost efficient. The favourite people in an organisation are those who bring ideas to help serve customers better, increase profitability or save cost.” he admonished.
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4. Questions and answers: Everything that will ensure that you rise in life bothers on questions and answers. You either must be asking the right questions or answering the right questions.
“When you ask the right questions, you open up space. When we query the way we do things, we see our failures and new opportunities. If you want to rise in an organisation then you need to be asking questions and answering questions,” he mentioned.
5. Responsibility: “Several people take their cheques at the end of the month and they have no responsibility in the organisation. Even when you give them a task, they bring you all the work back,” he noted.
“If you do not take responsibility, no boss will assign tasks to you and your value will remain the same.”
“It has been proven that in any field of endeavour, you will need communication to rise to the top. You will need communication to explain an investment policy, you will need communication skills to sell the marketing communication plan to the client,” he said.
“Communication involves clarity so you need to be clear about what you are saying and it also involves consistency and connection.”
7. Embrace and optimise technology: “For many of us we have a certain mindset about technology and we say as for me, I don’t like technology.”
“Technology is an enabler, it’s a whole new world and if you don’t understand mobile telephony, the Internet and technology and how it is changing the game plan in this world, you will do physically what can only be done by technology,” he stressed.
8. Driving licence and passport: “You need to get a driving licence and a passport. Many will say what has this got to do with my career but you need to learn how to drive and get a licence to save your company from the option of having to hire a driver to drive you around after employing you as this will save cost. You also need a passport because opportunities may open up impromptu requiring you to travel,” Rev Ocran stated.
9. Personal brand management: “Everyone is a brand, and when your name is mentioned, it should elicit some kind of response such as committed, serious and diligent from people. The kind of response you will elicit from people who come into contact with you will depend on the kind of brand you have built and your brand will determine your value,” he admonished.
10. Continuous evaluation: “You need to check yourself regularly. You need to pause periodically and look back to check if you are on the right track.” — GB