The Royal Bank to increase branch network to 25

The Royal Bank, a wholly owned Ghanaian bank has announced plans to expand its branch network in the country to 25 by the end of the year.


The bank presently has 12 branches spread across Greater Accra, Ashanti and Western regions and intends establishing its presence in the rest of the regions in the near future.


According to the bank, Kumasi would have three more branches added to the existing two, thus, increasing its presence in the metropolis.

The new branches to be opened in the region by the end of the year will be sited at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Old Tafo and Nhyiaeso; in addition to its private banking office at Ahodwo.

At a media interaction in Kumasi with some top management of the bank, the Head of Strategic Planning, Research and Corporate Affairs, Dr Kwame Baah-Nuakoh, said the bank was people centred and was not only looking at areas where there were businesses but “will open branches at where people need banking services.”

He said as a wholly owned Ghanaian bank, it was committed to promoting Ghanaian businesses and called for the support of the media to help the bank to succeed in its quest to reach the numerous unbanked in the society and in the region in particular.

Currently, he said, the bank’s business areas included construction, commerce, transportation, oil, energy, mining, telecommunications and agro-processing.

He said some of the products of the bank would be area-based and depending on the needs of the community, the bank could develop products to cater for those needs.

According to him, the vision of the bank was to become the bank of choice within the next five years and as such would put the customer at the centre of all its activities and ensure their total satisfaction.

The Royal Fund

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), he said, the bank would soon launch the Royal Fund to support the needs of children with special needs and the disabled with special focus on health.


Dr Baah-Nuakoh also cleared the air about the ownership of bank and denounced any association with any chief in the country.

He said Alhaji Iddrissu Adamu and his family “owns 100 per cent shares in the bank and he is not associated with any royal and kingdom.”

He said there were rumours making the rounds that the bank was owned by a popular chief in the country, that, he said, was not true as the founder of the bank had nothing to do with any chief or royal, “he is a self-made businessman who made his money through hard work.”

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