Show personal responsibility in tackling poverty - Kufuor
Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has underscored the importance of
eradicating poverty and hunger adding that “the President himself must
be pre-occupied with the issue so as to quicken and enliven the
citizenry to aspire for good life.”
He stressed that the President has to put in place policies that would
ensure that the socio-economic developments the Government envisioned
were realized.
Ex-President said this at a high level forum organized at the weekend
where there was a call on governments, particularly Heads of States, to
demonstrate good leadership in tackling poverty and food insecurity.
The discussants stressed that the Presidency needed to take personal
responsibility in demonstrating political determination to confront the
The forum, which was organized by the Regional Office for Food and
Agriculture Organisation for Africa, was to relate the successful case
studies in the fight against hunger and food insecurity in Ghana and
The forum also presented the unique opportunity to exchange best
practices and evaluate the achievements of the two countries in their
remarkable and exemplary efforts on poverty and hunger reduction, with
an emphasis on lessons learned and peer-learning.
Kufuor recounted some of the policy interventions he rolled out
during his two-term tenure which included “vigorous infrastructural
expansion and development”, modernized and commercial agriculture, good
and responsive governance.
According to him, the contributions his government made in the
agriculture sector especially at the fisheries and cocoa sector,
together with gains made in other sectors of the economy made Ghana’s
Gross Domestic Product to grow by more than 400 per cent.
Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African country to achieve the United
Nation Millennium Development Goal One on halving the proportion of
people who suffer from hunger.
The country reached and surpassed the 1996 World Food Summit goal of
reducing by half the number of undernourished people by 2015.
Ghana achieved a reduction in its poverty rate from 51.7 per cent in
1991 to 26.5 per cent in 2008, whiles hunger reduced from 34 per cent in
1990 to nine per cent in 2004.
Former President Kufuor’s administration saw the widespread adoption of high yield crop varieties designed to boost production.
Consequently, Ghana’s cocoa production doubled between 2002 and 2005,
inching up to a record high of one million metric tonnes in 2011.
In the agricultural sector, the Kufuor administration also improved the
terms of trade for cocoa farmers who experienced an increase in the
minimum export price to 70 per cent in 2004.
Improved irrigation, access to mechanization and post-harvest facilities were others.
Under the Ghana School Feeding Programme, government provided one
nutritious locally produced meal a day for school children in primary to
the Junior High School.
This social intervention was said to have dramatically reduced the
level of chronic hunger and malnutrition while improving school
Former Brazilian President, Lula Da Silva said he demonstrated
leadership and high level political commitment for rapid declines in
rates of extreme poverty and hunger without huge injections of public
He said under his visionary leadership that spanned eight years, Brazil
experienced dramatic reductions in hunger, extreme poverty and social
Mr Silva said he spearheaded a successful food and nutritional security
programme known as the Zero Hunger Programme which had a policy
implementation based on a cross sectoral approach led by an
inter-ministerial body with strong linkages to an active civil society.
He also mentioned that the project had a Food Purchase Programme which
linked local production directly with expanding food consumption and
contributed to rural development by acquiring food directly from small
holder farmers adding that he established food distribution programmes
that linked communities and banks in alliance with the private sector to
ensure local food markets for farmers.
He said under the Bolsa Family Programme (BFP), a conditional cash
transfer project which he said received heavy criticism from the middle
and upper class Brazilians, cash aids were given to poor families to
reduce poverty.
By the end of 2009, more than 12 million beneficiary families were said
to have a guaranteed minimum income and access to basic goods and
services, under the BFP
Mr Silva further recounted that his government rolled out a national
school programme similar to that of Ghana’s which had a far-reaching
impact on reducing child malnutrition and providing 47 million free
school meals daily to children in all grades of the country’s public
Brazil, according to him witnessed record declines in child malnutrition
from 61.9 per cent between 2003 and 2009 as a result of the programme.
The former Brazilian President Mr Silva called for good and efficient
registration system for effective monitoring and evaluation for the
social intervention projects to ensure that the aids went to the
targeted beneficiaries.
He expressed the hope that institutions of higher learning of both
countries would run exchange programmes to build their capacities.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Professor Ernest
Aryeetey stressed that government’s social intervention programmes
needed to be integrated into the economy to ensure their sustainability.
“Social protection programmes should be sustainable.
We can use some of the oil revenues to make it sustainable”, he said.
Prof Aryeetey called for active private sector participation in the
programmes and stressed that the focus needed to be on skills-enhancing
measures for the beneficiaries to improve productivity.
Professor Edward Ayensu, a fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and
Sciences, called on Governments to draw the distinction between national
agenda and political party manifesto.
He expressed disquiet that some political administration entirely
stopped projects initiated by their political predecessors because they
were from their opponents.
Prof Ayensu described the act as detrimental to development and called
for political will to complete project initiated by political opponents.
The high level discourse which was attended by representatives of UN
agencies, diplomatic corps, government officials, civil society,
farmers’ groups, cooperatives, NGOs, academics, Students of the
University of Ghana and the private sector, was to serve as an advocacy
event to show how the political will at the highest level can really
contribute at improving people’s life.
It also sought to analyse how successful alliances could be built between government, civil society and the private sector.