Thomas Partey
Thomas Partey

Partey ‘very lucky’ against Man United – Rooney

Manchester United legend, Wayne Rooney, believes Thomas Partey was ‘very lucky’ to avoid giving away a first-half penalty during Arsenal’s Premier League 1-0 win against Manchester United last Sunday.


Rooney said this when asked about Man United’s 37th-minute penalty appeal as Amad Diallo went down in the box after a challenge from Partey.

Partey had stuck a leg out and there appeared to be a little bit of contact, although replays then suggested that Amad’s foot had actually hit the Ghanaian midfielder’s rather than the other way around.

“I don’t think this is a penalty, [but] Partey is very lucky,” Rooney told Sky Sports.

“He goes off his feet early and he fortunately just gets a nick on the ball. For me it’s not a penalty but Partey is very lucky.”

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